| Top | Master Plan Contents |
Chapter 4: Park Restoration and Improvement Strategies
The master plan recommendations are the result
of months of discussion, and a planning process
that included a number of public forums as well
as meetings with the Advisory Committee, city
staff and interested individuals. The people who
attended the meetings expressed a clear desire
for a park that would be full of exciting events
and activities, attracting families, groups and
individuals. For many, this vision of the park is
reminiscent of the happy memories they share
from earlier times, when families spent a whole
day enjoying the range of activities offered at the
The plan offers suggestions for new programs and
activities, balanced with respect for the ecology of
the park and the rich historical context that is still
very evident here. The restoration approach is
aimed at accommodating community interests
while preserving and maintaining the natural and
historic elements that give the park its essential
The recommendations that follow are presented
as: 1) a series of physical improvements and
changes to park infrastructure; 2) new programs
and activities; 3) recommendations for an implementation strategy,
including community involvement,
park management and key projects, and 4)
recommendations for landscape maintenance and
Figure 50 illustrates the Master Plan for
Cadwalader Park. Additional figures illustrate
more detailed proposals for specific areas of the

Figure 50: Master Plan for Cadwalader Park
| Top | Master Plan Contents |
Park History
The historical significance of Cadwalader Park
derives from the prominence of the Trenton
citizens who built the Ellarslie estate, as well as its
early park development at the hands of Frederick
Law Olmsted and his sons. Features from both of
these eras are still present in the park (Figure 22:
Contributing Historic Resources).
Preservation of
these significant elements is crucial to maintaining
the historic character of the park and should be a
top priority in its rejuvenation. New elements
should respect thehistorical design traditions by
utilizing materials and styles characteristic of the
park’s history.
Actions that need to be taken to preserve the
park’s history are as follows:
• Stabilize, preserve and interpret the features attributed to the Olmsted plan, including the
circuit drive, the Parkside Avenue entrance and bridge and the east ravine.
• Restore and interpret the west ravine and pools, which are part of the Olmsted plan.
• Stabilize, repair, and interpret the historic
park buildings, including Ellarslie, the Cottage,
the small animal barn and the Maintenance Garage(at this writing, restoration of the West End Restroom is nearing completion).
• Stabilize and preserve additional park structures
including the Stuyvesant Avenue Gate,
the old band shell foundation, and the canal
• Repair and adaptively reuse the large animal
barn, the Comfort Station, and the Ranger Station.
• Remove unsafe components of the Bear Pit and interpret both the Bear Pit and Briar
Patch marker.
• Replace the existing Picnic Pavilion with at
least one new structure, appropriate to the
park’s historic character.
Park Ecology
Cadwalader Park, at present, is not experiencing
the kind of active deterioration common to more
heavily used urban parks. Its status might be
described as a gradual decline that will become
more evident as the current mature trees die off
while the maintenance and support staff are
stretched further to perform increased routine duties.
The restoration of ecological values for
Cadwalader Park hinges on the ability of those
who are directly involved in its care to perceive
the park as a living system. This will require,
above all, an education program aimed at having
the groundskeepers and support staff recognize
that they are instrumental in ensuring the future
health and survival of the park. Raising the level of
commitment and standard of care of the people
who care for the park every day is the first,
essential step toward restoring the park and
developing a level of public awareness that will
help sustain the renewal.
Several of these recommendations are mentioned under the sections for vegetation or
landscape management; they are included here
for emphasis.
• Implement a park-wide landscape management
plan to ensure that no areas of the park are neglected by maintenance and that the overall level of care is raised significantly.
• Initiate new staff training programs that build
landscape skills and instill a sense of commitment to the vitality of the park.
• Develop and implement a tree management
program and planting plans that utilize
information from the historical design plans and documents, modern urban forestry science as well as traditional arboricultural
• Develop a volunteer corps for projects such
as woodland management, slope stabilization, and soil decompaction that can be a vehicle for developing skills in the community.
• Continue to develop connections with local
environmental groups, community groups,
state forestry programs, urban renewal
programs, and other groups that can conduct
restoration work hops or contribute ideas
and resources.
Access and Circulation
The Parkside Avenue entrance and the historic
circuit drive are retained as essential features that
establish the overall spatial coherence for the
park today. The two interior park roads near the
picnic grove are replaced by a single, one-way
drive that offers handicapped access to Ellarslie
and access to the proposed concert area.
Although the new drive is a significant change
from the present plan, it greatly simplifies the
interior circulation and shifts vehicles away from
the immediate surroundings of Ellarslie. Sincethe
drive begins near the Ranger Station, it may be
possible to utilize that building as a convenient
source for park information. The elimination of
the “innerloop” created by the two drives will
also reduce the extent of traffic in the park since
vehicles will be able to use the drives for entering,
parking, and exiting only (Figure 51). |

Figure 51: Detail plan - circulation improvements
at park interior |
• Remove the traffic circle at the Parkside
entrance and reconfigure the drive intersection as an “in-out only” route to eliminate cruising around the loop of park drives.
• Retain the circuit drive as a pedestrian route with the option of utilizing one half of the
drive as parking for special events. The
bollards remain in their present locations to
close the drive to vehicles.
• Develop a new internal drive that replaces the two existing drives around the picnic
grove and provides access to Ellarslie and the
new concert area. This new drive will flow in
a one-way direction, entering at the Parkside
Avenue entrance passing Ellarslie and the
playground/picnic area and ultimately exiting
at the point of entry.
• The new drives, and future asphalt repaving, should be asphalt with a chip-seal surface of
local crushed stone. Curbs should be granite
cobble, as used historically.

Table 4: Existing and Proposed Parking
Most of the parking shown is parallel parking on
existing park roads. Table 4 shows the available parking within the park for normal use, as well as
possible event use within the park and the
adjoining neighborhoods.
• Develop accessible parking for several cars
and at least one service vehicle at Ellarslie.
• Allow parallel parking along the internal park
drive and the section of the circuit drive
between the playground and the Parkside entrance.
• Develop parking on reinforced turf for 15–20 cars between Ellarslie and the Ranger Station.
• Develop a new parking area for about 35 cars in the lower recreation area between Lenape Avenue and the tennis courts.
• Utilize street parking on Cadwalader Drive
and Stuyvesant Avenue for concerts and large events. For special events at designated
times, also utilize the outer circuit drive for
The proposed continuous loop path, echoing the
Olmsted method of providing separate systems
of roadway and path, is a major addition to the
system of park paths. Other major pedestrian
routes will provide clear routes across the west
meadow and path access to the restored stream
and lake. The entire path system should be linked
to provide a continuous means of pedestrian
travel through the park.
• Develop a one-way, continuous, multipurpose loop path, either on the circuit roadway or adjacent to it, for walkers, bicyclists and
• For new paths, develop a rational hierarchy
of paths for various uses. Pedestrian-only
paths would be eight feet wide while multiple
use paths, which might also be used by
service vehicles, would be ten to 12 feet
wide. Pedestrian paths, depending on location,
grade, and ADA requirements, could be
asphalt, or gravel, to match existing paths. Multiple-use paths could be asphalt-surfaced.
Asphalt would be chip-seal finished to match new roads.
• For existing paths that are to remain, restore
the original cobble stone curb and repair the
gravel surfacing. New paths in the vicinity of
the upper pond that connect to the old paths should be constructed of similar
• Remove dead-end paths that are not part of a continuous circulation system, except where they are used to enter buildings.
• Install entrance markers at all secondary park
Utilities and Stormwater Management
Storm and sanitary sewers within the park are in
serviceable condition although several repairs are
needed, as noted in the Technical Memorandum.
A priority item is to locate and repair the source
of contamination to the upper pond, which is
especially important in view of the proposed
public access to the environmental center and
restored stream and pool system.
• Determine the source of sanitary contamination of the upper pond and west stream and
repair the lines.
• Replace sanitary system manhole covers with solid covers and remove trash pans below.
• Clean sanitary lines and perform television
inspection to determine condition of the
• Clean and inspect all storm drains and repair
or replace loose or broken catch basin grates.
• Replace/repair outfalls for the upper pond,
lake, ravines and canal.
• Install a new gravel drain system between the
tennis courts and Lover’s Lane and connect it to the existing storm system.
• Connect the existing separate waterlines into a looped system by installing lines and
The park’s mature deciduous shade trees are
probably the foremost character-defining feature
of Cadwalader Park and remain high on the list of
desirable features among regular park visitors. The
decline of the spectacular deciduous shade trees,
such as white oak and beech, is a serious concern.
Many of the trees used for replacement,
such as Norway spruce, are lacking in landscape
value or historic character.
A primary recommendation for the trees is to
begin active management of the valuable, large
shade trees that can benefit from pruning or
disease management. Selective removal of
diseased or inappropriately planted trees is
important for the health of the remaining trees
and in some cases advisable because the damaged trees are potential hazards.
Removal of
certain trees that are too closely spaced is
necessary so that the remaining trees can develop
fully. Emphasis should be placed on reestablishment
of the vistas provided by the open meadows
shown on the 1891 Olmsted plan of the
A second major recommendation is the development of a replanting strategy, developed according to park zone,
for the entire park. New trees
should be planted on an annual basis, selected
from a list of trees that are appropriate from
both a historic and ecological perspective. Tables
5 and 6 list trees and shrubs for planting within
major park zones. |

Table 5: Trees and Shrubs for Replanting in Cadwalader Park (Park Boundary & Stream and Lake Area)

Table 6: Trees and Shrubs for Replanting in
Cadwalader Park (Park Interior) |
• Develop a management program for pruning, fertilization and removals, as discussed below in Landscape Maintenance.
• Develop a planting plan for the park, with the
distribution of trees to reflect historic groupings and vistas. Trees should provide shade
for roadways and picnic areas, emphasize
vistas, and stabilize eroded areas and streams.
This would include gradual removal of unhealthyor inappropriate trees, such as
Norway Spruce and Norway Maple. It is
important to note that the Olmsted plant lists for Cadwalader Park do not include any
ever green trees.
• Begin to restore the balance and diversity of
tree species by planting trees that were part of the park’s earlier history and have since decreased in the park. Examples include oak,
beech, hickory and elm (new hybrids are
more resistant to Dutch elm disease).
• Conduct planting on a regular (if possible, on
an annual) basis, to ensure a range of various aged trees for the future.
Approximately 1,000 trees, planted over a 15-year period,
will be required. This would result in a
replanting program of about 60–70 trees
annually, to implement master plan concepts and replace dying trees (park-wide, not
including special restoration areas or woodlands).
• Cease planting non-historic, overplanted
species such as Norway maple, London planetree, pine, and Norway spruce.
Park woodlands are small and concentrated along
stream corridors, as well as the canal, leaving
them vulnerable to disturbance from erosion and
infestations of exotic species. Although budgets
for these areas might be modest, thoughtful,
timely intervention is more critical than money
when implementing a woodland management
program. Some work may be performed by
teams of volunteers, under the direction of the
city landscape architect or an experienced urban
• Working in one area at a time, gradually
remove the most noxious invasive species,
such as Norway maples. If the ground is
disturbed or canopy gaps are opened by removals, planting of native woodland plants from the historic plant lists should follow
• Begin to reestablish the shrub and understory layers that are presently underrepresented in
the woodlands with native woodland plants from the historic plant lists.
• Monitor the few canopy gaps that exist and,
when the budget permits, plant groves of small trees to gradually fill these in.
• Gradually remove the asphalt from the leaf dump area and remove other debris and trash as soon as possible after it appears.
Views across the expansive, rolling meadows
toward the canal and river were important in the
early years of Cadwalader Park and were a major
focus of the historic Olmsted plan of 1891. As a
result of the surrounding development, the river
is no longer visible from the park. In addition,
plantings of trees over the years, particularly
evergreens, have closed in all of the long views
within the park. Vista management should be
performed very gradually, in conjunction with the
rest of park management, and the results should be carefully monitored, recorded and evaluated as work progresses.
• Historic vistas should gradually be opened,
which would involve selective tree pruning
and removal of inappropriate and unhealthy
trees, and trees which block the historic
• Vista management should, first, identifythe
original design intent for the space or vista
and second, identify trees that could be
managed through pruning. Following initial
pruning, selected trees based on crowding,
health, inappropriate species or location
should be removed. Removals should be
conducted gradually, on an annual basis, and
the effects evaluated before proceeding any
• Locations of new plantings should respect the original historic design intent for park
sightlines and potential major vistas.
A computer simulation of proposed vista management is illustrated in Figure 52. |

Figure 52: Vista from west meadow;
photo has been
computer-edited to
simulate proposed management |
Rehabilitation and adaptive reuse is the major
focus of the program for the buildings at
Cadwalader Park. Several new park structures are
proposed, specifically a new performance stage,
new picnic pavilions and rest rooms, and an
outdoor terrace at Ellarslie, covered by a trellis,
to serve as a park restaurant. The new buildings
and structures should express a design style
compatible with the other early 20th century
park structures, such as the Comfort Station and
• Stabilize and repair the Cottage, the
Fieldhouse, the small animal barn, and the
press stand at the Little League Field. Install
fire systems in all enclosed buildings.
• Prepare five-year and ten-year maintenance
programs for all buildings and structures and
incorporate these into the park’s operating
and capital improvement budgets.
• Renovate the Comfort Station and the Ranger Station to serve, respectively, as accessible restrooms and a ranger/information station. Conduct renovations in accordance with the US Secretary of the Interior’s
Standards and Guidelines for the Treatment of
Historic Properties and Guidelines for the
Treatment of Historic Landscapes.
• Adaptively reuse the large animal barn as an
environmental center for the park. Develop architectural plans in accordance with the US
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and
• Construct a new performance stage in the
location of the former structure to accommodate a program of outdoor theater, dance and concerts.
• Develop a space utilization program and design for the outdoor dining terrace at
Ellarslie, in the location shown on the 1891
Preliminary Plan for Cadwalader Park, in
accordance with the US Secretary of the
Interior’s Standards and Guidelines. Include a trellis for shade, as proposed in the 1891
Olmsted Plan.
• Design and construct the new pavilions, rest
rooms and food kiosks in a style compatible with early 20th Century park design and the existing historic building within the park.
• Repair and repoint masonry on Parkside Avenue Bridge. Replace urns with exact copies of originals to match existing photo
• The Bear Pit is an historic feature in the park,
although representative of poor and archaic animal management. It is currently in very
poor condition. Remove unsafe structures
and make the area safe and secure. Place an
interpretive sign at the Bear Pit near the Briar
Patch grave marker.
• Clean and repoint the park monuments, as
recommended in the Technical Report for
Buildings and Structures for Cadwalader Park
• Develop a rustic design for the new wood
bridges across the stream and pool system on the west side of the park, similar to that
used by other late 19th/early 20th Century urban parks.
• Construct a new canal bridge, in an appropriate historic style,
in a new location to serve
the redesigned picnic area and link to Lover’s Lane. Although the Olmsted plan of 1891 separated the canal from the park, the master
plan reconnects the upper and lower parks
through reestablishment of the bridge and
establishment of new paths. Heavy pedestrian
use of the slopes between the lower
and upper park (Figure 35) has created
erosion and desire lines which need to be
appropriately developed to reflect the
modern community’s need to integrate the
two parts of the Park. Careful consideration
needs to be given to the design of this new bridge. Historically, a wood swing bridge was present. The aesthetic effect of this design
on restoration guided by the Olmsted plan
needs to be addressed during detailed design. Archeological investigation and interpretation of historic canal remnants also should be part
of this effort.

PSE&G (HADCO) Light Fixture - globe V4800 |
Spring City Electrical Mfg. Co.
“Newbury port” Standard
Lighted Bollard

Figure 53 Proposed park light fixture and bollard |

Timber Form 2242-6 Murdock “The Classics”
Standard Picnic table MC76-1 Fountain

Victor Stanley RS-12 Victor Stanley “The Classics” C-38
Receptacle Bench
Figure 54. Proposed park furnishings
Recreational Facilities
The recreational facilities are generally some of
the best-maintained areas at the park. Major
recommendations include the construction of a
new playground, refitting of clay tennis courts,
and construction of a new adult fitness area in a
more appropriate location in the lower recreation area.
• Remove the existing playground and construct
a new one in the proposed location that meets current safety and materials standards.
• Remove the adult fitness equipment and install a new fitness area next to the basketball courts.
• Working with a sponsoring organization, repair and refit the clay tennis courts to meet
competition standards.
• Upgrade the bleachers and clubhouse at the Little League and Babe Ruth baseball fields.
More benches and picnic tables will be needed as
the revitalized park attracts more visitors. Suggested designs for benches,
trash receptacles and
light fixtures compatible with the park era are
indicated here. Old benches and tables can be
replaced as they fall into disrepair.
• Place light fixtures only in the areas that can
be reliably monitored by security. Lighting
should be installed on main roads and paths visible from roads for ease of security patrol. Lighting should not be installed in areas that
are not desirable for use at night or are
difficult to see from roads.
• Site a significant number of new benches along paths, near large shade trees, at interesting views, and near activity areas.
• Upgrade picnic tables for the proposed picnic area and group them in clusters to minimize intrusion with park vistas and pathways.
• Proposed furnishings are shown in Figures 53 and 54. Finish for painted items should be semi-gloss.
Animal Management
Since the public meetings revealed popular
support for keeping deer in the park, an upgraded
program of animal management is a crucial
recommendation of the master plan. An animal
caretaker position should be created to ensure
that a staff member is available to monitor and
care for the animals. Feeders and watering
devices must be provided that will both maintain
the deer and exclude feeding of the abundant
• Create a full or part-time animal caretaker
position staffed by an individual trained and
experienced in the care of ungulates or
similar hoofed animals. This person would
keep breeding and medical records, feed and monitor the herd on a daily basis, and clean
the enclosure and feeding devices.
• Redesign the deer paddock, as shown in the plan, to allow for separation or capture of
groups or individuals.
• Restrict the deer diet to a suitable commercially prepared diet. Install automatic feeders that will restrict feeding to the deer only.
• Provide a heated, automatic water trough in place of open tubs of water to discourage waterfowl.
Upgraded security for the park was one of the
most sought-after changes by the community during the master planning process. Increased city
police presence was foremost among the needed
security items developed for the park. Security
could also be increased and maintained in several
otherways: by further developing the ranger
program, by upgrading park lighting, and by
restoring the landscape to maintain park
• Undertake a park-wide security review during
peak use in order to develop a coordinated
security plan.
• Develop a coordinated park security plan to
include police, park maintenance staff, and
park rangers.
• Provide increased, daily and regular police
presence throughout the park. Encourage bicycle patrols of police during daylight hours
and police in cruisers at night. Establish a base
for police within the park.
• Develop a core group of full time park
rangers, supported by a seasonal group, who
would patrol particularly on weekday evenings
and weekends. Rangers should be
trained in public education as well as conflict
resolution, and should be able to issue
summonses. They should remain unarmed.
• Set up monthly park security meetings to
include the park administrator, Chief Ranger,
and police to review and coordinate park
• Develop an overall lighting plan for the park
and increase lighting in designated areas.
• In accordance with the park management
plan, selectively remove or relocate evergreen trees and other vegetation to increase
visibility and maintain clear sightlines in to and
throughout the park.
| Top | Master Plan Contents | PARK PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES
The program of proposed activities is as important
to the renewal of Cadwalader Park as are
the measures proposed for its physical restoration.
Trees, paths, and buildings may be the
back bone of the park, but people are its life blood.
The people who regularly visit the park
and enjoy its facilities come for many reasons.
Their presence is often an attraction for other
people, who might stay away if the park was
perceived to be too private, and therefore,
unwelcoming; or too empty, and therefore,
The master plan proposes a full program of
events and activities to restore this lifeblood to
Cadwalader Park and make it, once more, a place
where people of all ages, abilities and interests
can spend an active hour or a relaxing day. The
park program is designed to accommodate the
suggestions of many citizens who attended the
meetings and urged the planners to make a lively,
exciting park that will attract families and reflect
the diversity of the city.
Food concessions in the park will attract visitors
for longer stays and provide a social context for
casual recreation. Permanent kiosks that display a
lively and consistent design style appropriate to
the historic setting are proposed for some
locations, while temporary vendors might serve
weekend or seasonal-type visitors and events.
Different food styles are proposed to meet a
range of interests. The hot dog and popcorn fare
could continue at the lower recreation area,
perhaps in conjunction with an ethnic food
vendor. An ice cream stand might operate near
the picnic area. The seating terrace at Ellarslie
could serve a casual, more upscale menu of
sandwiches and other café-style food.
To date, there has been little interest in food
vending in the park. The present street vendors
who park inside and around the park would
compete, and could likely undersell, park vendors.
Any successful park-vending plan will entail
restricting the street vendors to outside the park.
Special one-time permits to coincide with park
events or performances should be considered to
develop a concession presence in the park.
• Provide for a variety of food in the park, to be sold from permanent kiosks, temporary vendor carts, and at Ellarslie.
• Locate the kiosks at activity centers in the
park, as shown on the plan, so that they can be readily supplied and maintained.
Planned Events and Group Programs
Cadwalader is already the venue for several
popular annual events. A regular program of
more frequent events, such as a concert or
theater series, could attract a new constituency
to the park and better serve the city as a whole.
The proposed new facilities, including the performance stage and the dining terrace at Ellarslie,
could support a greater range of events than can
presently be accommodated. Planned group
events would continue in new locations, utilizing
the new picnic pavilions or the Ellarslie terrace.
Tents for weddings and other large family events
might occur on the old bowling lawns.
The following list of program activities is offered
for consideration:
• Develop programming that emphasizes the natural and historical features of the park and
• Initiate a variety of new events and performance series,
such as “Puppets in the Park,” or the “Friday Jazz Sessions” that will appeal to a variety of age and interest groups.
• Develop a City Safari program for at-risk children grades K-3 to discover nature in the urban environment through trips to the park.
• Hold a family-day concert in the park; the performance would be geared toward the entire family, with music and picnicking for
kids of all ages.
• Initiate an Arts-in-the-Parks program, a multicultural performing arts series with performances targeted for children from nursery
through elementary school.
• Develop a summer film series, possibly geared to young people who have limited means to drive to suburban theaters.
• Develop a classical music/opera series, such as the Philharmonic series sponsored by Chase Bank in New Brunswick.
• Develop environmental education, gardening, historical tours, outdoor walks and cultural/arts programs.
• Continue to promote the park as a place for celebrations, family reunions, employee days, and other planned events.
Special Event Celebrations
Cadwalader was once the home of an active community cultural life. As a large and historically
significant open space surrounded by several
thriving neighborhoods, it seems appropriate to
utilize the park to help build historical continuity
and strengthen community ties. Ideas tossed
around at the meetings included ethnic day
celebrations, Trenton historydays, culturally oriented
dance or music workshops, canal events,
arts festivals and environmental celebrations.
The park is already the venue for several popular
annual events. The proposal of a new performance
area could support a greater range of
events than can presently be accommodated.
Other park locations, such as the circuit drive,
could also be considered for events.
• Consider initiating new city-wide celebrations in the park that are appropriate from the
standpoint of the history of the park or its
neighboring communities.
• Utilize new celebrations and events as a way to promote and celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of Trenton’s communities.
Recreational Activities
Recreational programs continuously evolve as
one generation of interests and needs is replaced by another. Group sports such as soccer, baseball,
and basketball are still popular and have a
place at the park. Newer activities that emphasize
fitness and are more individual in nature can also
be accommodated, some with relatively low-cost
• Upgrade the adult fitness area and relocate it adjacent to the basketball courts.
• Develop the circuit path to provide a
continuous loop for travel around the park.
Add signage to the path to designate the roadway for faster cyclists and skaters while slower pedestrians remain on the path.
• Install appropriately designed distance markers for runners.
• Encourage boating on the canal by developing a canoe put-in near the bridge and consider having a private canoe concession.
Environmental Education
The physical restoration of the park could be the
focus of a community-based environmental
education program. The two-story deer barn
could be renovated for use as an environmental
center. The stream and lake restoration could
involve school children and other groups to
undertake research, planting, wildlife restoration,
and monitoring. The park as a whole could be
placed into a database, with records of wildlife
sightings, nesting patterns, presence of invasive
species, etc. monitored by school groups.
• Develop a monitoring program for the park
as an educational activity, where school children are taught to observe and record important environmental facts.
• Maintain the monitoring record as an environmental database for the park to inform future restoration projects.
• Develop the animal barn as an environmental center and use it to support restoration projects in the park, such as the stream and
lake restoration.
Ranger Program
The park rangers are presently underutilized as a
resource for the park. Rangers could function as
park greeters and educators, in addition to their
security function. Short training programs in
conflict resolution and park history/ecology would
assist them in their jobs and give them relevant,
transferable skills.
• Develop a core group of full time park
rangers, supported by a seasonal group. Rangers should remain unarmed but be authorized to issue summonses.
• Give all rangers training in conflict resolution
and ensure that they have a basic interpretive knowledge of the park, including its history, major trees, and hours of operation of all
• Rehabilitate the ranger station to function as
a home base for the rangers and police bike/scooter patrols as well as an orientation place for visitors.
• Hold monthly meetings with the park administrator, Chief Ranger, and police to
coordinate park security.
| Top | Master Plan Contents | KEY CAPITAL PROJECTS
These priority projects reflect a balance between
improvements to the park infrastructure and the
planned activity program. All of them require
significant capital expenditures, which might be
met through targeted fund-raising efforts. Any of
these projects could spearhead the overall
restoration effort and, once successfully in place,
build momentum for additional improvements.
Proposed Circulation and Ellarslie
Ellarslie, viewed by Olmsted as integral to the life
of the park, would remain as the City Museum,
with the addition of a restaurant and park
information center. The City Museum would
remain on the first and second floors of the
mansion. The new uses would expand Ellarslie’s
functions and would incorporate it more fully into
the park. A new drive would provide access to
Ellarslie and the concert area, eliminating the
need for the two existing internal drives.
• Develop a one-way drive that replaces the
two existing drives around the picnic grove
and provides access to Ellarslie and the new
concert area.
• Designate spaces for parallel parking along
the drive.
• Provide handicapped access to Ellarslie and
the Comfort and Ranger Stations.
• Provide designated parking in the area of
Ellarslie and the Comfort and Ranger Stations
for 25 cars, including five accessible spaces.
• Construct a stone dining terrace at the south
and west sides of the building, with a trellis or
other structure shading the area.
• Modernize or expand the mansion kitchen to
accommodate the new restaurant/catering
function. Coordinate this work with the
museum’s management team.
• Provide space for information on both the
park and Ellarslie in the foyer o fthe building,
and staff the area with volunteers or part time docents.
Performance Area and Vistas
Park visitors and meeting attendees enthusiastically supported replacing the present movable
stage with a permanent performance stage. The
configuration of the proposed drive allows the
direction of the stage to face the hill for seating
and noise control. The removal of selected trees
in this vicinity will improve visibility for the stage
and will allow better sightlines and vistas to
increase visibility within the interior of the park
(Figure 55).
• Construct a new performance stage near the
footing of the former band shell for concerts,
plays, and dance performances. Seating should remain on grass or lightly graded grass
• Selectively remove trees in this vicinity to
increase views of the stage and within the

Figure 55. Develop a one-way drive that replaces
the two existing drives around the picnic grove
and provides
access to Ellarslie
and the new concert area. |
Canal Bridge, Picnic Grounds and
Recreation Area
When the park was originally designed, the Canal
Feeder was an unsightly industrial area.
Olmsted’s plan, therefore, called for the area to
be screened. Today’s use of the park shows clear
desire lines between the upper and lower areas.
New facilities shown in these parts of the park make it desirable to once again link the upper and
lower areas to form a coherent, vibrant zone for
park users. The existing Canal Bridge is located
adjacent to the old road bridge footings and,
therefore, is not in a direct line between Lovers’
Lane and the upper park. The proposed bridge
makes a more visible, direct connection to reduce
desire paths and subsequent erosion. The picnic
area is shifted to the area above the bridge to
create a more focused activity center with easy
access to the lower recreation area (Figure 56).

Figure 56. Detail plan & section- canal bridge and picnic area
The programming and design for this area is
intended to create a place of excitement and will
allow for varied activities suitable for groups and
individuals. The plan shows two new picnic
pavilions that will accommodate both large and
smallgroups. A canoe rental facility could be sited
next to the bridge for boating on the canal. Paths
for pedestrians and bicyclists that are ADA
accessible connect the lower park to the pedestrian loop in the upper park.
• Construct a new canal bridge as shown (in the location of the original bridge) in a style compatible with other late 19th/early 20th
Century park bridges.
• Develop an accessible pathway from the lower recreation area to the bridge and fit it
tightly into the hill, using boulders and native
shrub plantings to stabilize the slope and
create the appearance of a natural rock outcrop.
• Build two new picnic pavilions, with one
pavilion large enough to accommodate family reunions or other large gatherings under
various weather conditions.
• Develop a canoe rental in this area to be run on a seasonal basis by a private concession.
• Connect the upper and lower parks by paths that accommodate accessibility needs, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Figure 57: Detail plan – deer area and stream restoration
Deer Paddock, Environmental Center and Stream Restoration
The deer paddock animal barn has been proposed for rehabilitation as an environmental
education center. The plan (Figure 57) shows
visitor access to the second floor from
Cadwalader Drive and service access to the
lower floor of the barn from the park. The deer
paddock is redesigned to meet animal health and
safety requirements while allowing visitors greater
visibility into the paddock through a landscaped
The reconfigured paddock will allow restoration
of the stream and lower pond as a natural
wetland system, modeled after the pool and
stream sequence shown in the 1891 Olmsted
plan. The restoration could be incorporated as
part of an ongoing environmental education
program with activities coordinated to school
lesson plans (Figures 58 and 59). |
Figure 58. Section – Deer area and stream restoration
Figure 59. Section – Deer area and environmental center
• Adaptively reuse the present two-story barn
as an environmental center, with separate
access for visitors and service. The building
rehabilitation should follow the US Secretary
of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
• Reconfigure the deer paddock to meet safety and health requirements for the animals and provide clean, automated sources for drinking water and food.
• Redesign and landscape the double fence to allow visitors greater visibility into the paddock while meeting state and federal safety
• Redesign the pond and stream system to a more natural configuration and restore it as a
functioning wetland ecosystem.
Parkside Avenue Entrance and
Administration Area
The restoration of the historic Parkside Avenue
entrance could become an important demonstration project for the renewal of the park.
documentation exists and could provide a
basis for careful restoration of the gate, urns and
masonry. The administration area should be
redesigned to screen the parking from the park
entrance and provide a rational circulation system
to the maintenance buildings and offices.
• Restore the Parkside Avenue entrance gate and bridge using available historical documentation.
• Redesign the circulation and parking at the
administration and maintenance area to screen cars from the park entrance.
• Retain the Maple Avenue entrance for access and parking for park vehicles only.